Tuesday, March 16

..::Sleeping Awake



Okay so I'm in Vancouver, and I'm working nights which means I'm sleeping days - or at least trying to sleep during the day. When I got home this morning I was completely overwhelmed by thoughts of my social calendar for the next 3 months - Weddings, Babies, Moving, Parties - all combined with my never consistent work schedule of globetrotting. I got in my SUPER comfy cloud of a bed and tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. My head was all abuzz with all the exciting things to come and I COULD NOT fall asleep for the life of me. Finally around 8am I drifted off, only to be woken 3 hours later at 11 when the fire alarm in my room was going off every minute with a VERY high pitched beep. I immediately called downstairs to inquire as to what was going on and if I needed to evacuate my room when I was notified by the not so friendly front desk man that it was a routine fire alarm check done by the fire station and they had no idea when it would end. YES, my lovlies, the fire alarm in my room went off every minute from 11am to 3pm. It took everything in me not to rip the pillows apart and scream at the top of my lungs in frustration. Yeah I was that cranky and guess what, I'm not over it yet. I feel about as dazed as the girl above looks.....my pillows survived, but I can't say the same for the alarm clock I may have "accidentally" knocked off the night table, oppsies.

PC: fffound.com

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