Tuesday, June 29

..::Spelling for Dummies::..


There are few things in life that bother me more than bad grammar, one of them being bad etiquette (especially bad plane etiquette). I'm not saying that my grammar is A+ quality all the time, but when it counts i.e. work emails, I make sure that I, at the very least, proof read my work before I hit the send button. In the last month alone I've received some of the most poorly written emails in my life. The amount of respect I have for these people is on a crazy downward spiral. Today I just felt like writing back and saying, "Can you send me a copy of your 6th grade diploma?" Its so bad that I need to see some proof - I mean she says she went to college, but I'm having trouble believing she made it to high school, let alone was able to complete an entrance essay unless it was to clown college. I know its hard to remember every single rule in the book, but please master the following at the very least:

1. The difference between their, they're, and there
2. The difference between herd and heard
3. The difference between your and you're
4. Do not use slang words and/or abbreviations such as LOL
6. When in doubt - ask someone or google the correct answer

However, if you enjoy looking like an uneducated idiot, then by all means continue on your path of illiteracy. I'll just continue to roll my eyes each time I log on and see your name in my inbox....

PC: ffffound.com

Monday, June 28

..::Into the Nude::..


I've been obsessing over this Herve Leger Chevron Illusion Mini since I spotted it on Kristen Bell at the CMA's back in April. Seriously, that dress is the business in its barely there nude hue and glittering chevron details. There is just something about the illusion of being nude that is utterly sexy, but is more often than not done in all the wrong ways aka trashy. On my list of "nude" essentials is a pair of nude peep toe pumps, nude gloss and of course the perfect shade of nude nail polish. Yesterday I treated myself to an extra long mani/pedi where I tried several shades of nude polish until I was satisfied that I had found the one.....PILLOW TALK by Essie = complete perfection! Man it feels good to go bare ;)

Sunday, June 27

..::Sunday Funday::..


There are some things in life that, no matter how hard you try, they will NEVER make sense. Like waking up an hour before your alarm goes off....on a Sunday when all you want to do is sleep in. But then you wake up and you lay in bed staring out the window at the beautiful morning and you think to yourself, "I don't know why I woke up so early, but I'm pretty stoked on life and glad I'm up to enjoy it." I woke up this morning and everything was just the way it should be, aka waking up in my own bed for once. Its like when you're a kid and your mom drags you to the grocery store after dance class and all you want to do is run around the aisles picking up products with cartoon characters on them and begging her to buy them for you even if you have no idea what is actually inside the can. But you don't care what's inside because the can holds so much beauty and promise in your little hands that you just have to have it. When you're 6 years old all you know is that "Barbie is like your fav. toy in the world" and if she is on the can then whatever is inside must be pretty good too. That's what today feels like - I woke up, looked out the window and saw a day full of beauty and promise of wonderful things and it just made me happy. But its hard not to be happy when mimosas and brunch are only hours away. Sunday Funday has arrived, get into it.

PC: ffffound.com

Thursday, June 24

..::Daily Affirmation How-to::..

There are very few good things about waking up in the morning, however I find that if you start your day with a little daily affirmation, it's slightly more enjoyable. Take a tip from little Jessica and stand in front of the mirror as you repeat whatever it is that you want to put out into the universe. For example, today mine went a little something like this, "I promise to NEVER drink that much again." After spending the entire day fighting off a nasty headache from one too many Absolute Rubys n Soda from last night's celebration, I'm currently scoping out some NYC hot spots for tonight before I head back to LaLa Land tomorrow morning at 6am. Wonder if that daily affirmation will hold strong...

Tuesday, June 22

..::Crazy Beautiful::..


2 days, 14 hours, 33 minutes & 22 seconds

You know that feeling when you take a step back from your life and you have that moment that is like, "WOW, my life is pretty ...." Clearly that "dot, dot, dot" can be filled with various adjectives depending on the situations you find yourself in at the time of your "moment." Today my adjective was "AWESOME." Now I'm not saying everything in my life is ice cream and gummy bears, because if it was then I'd be some kind of super human, but today when I looked around and realized what was going on around me and all the things that I am a part of at this time in my life I had a "moment." I was standing in the middle of Times Square at dusk, in the 80+ degree heat trying to take this photo. There I was surrounded by tourists, street vendors, and honking cabs when all of a sudden, I looked up at the flashing lights of the 91,000 sq foot store, that I've basically been living in for the last 9 days and I just stood there. I stopped in the MIDDLE of TIMES SQ, which if you've ever been to NYC during the summer "tourist" months, you know is no easy feat. Literally, it was as if time stood still as I stood there in awe. I can't even tell you all the details and the pictures don't even do it justice, but there is magic going on in there and I've been a part of it every step of the way because its my JOB. I mean I work like a mad women and my life is sometimes crazy, but when I step back its all worth it because right now I feel like this, and this HIGH is too good to come down from even though I've never been so EXHAUSTED in my young life. I hope that everyone gets a chance to pursue their dreams and feel this feeling that I have right now. I'm not going to lie, its pretty COOL.

Thursday, June 17

..::I Heart YOU for ALWAYS::..


"These streets will make you feel brand new, the lights will inspire you....." I fell in LOVE with NYC the first time I stepped off the plane when I was 13 years old and have always said that I would move here one day. Although its not quite in the cards this year, something tells me that its not completely off the table. There really is something magical about this city unlike most others that I've visited over the years. I often imagine myself living through my first "REAL WINTER" and when I snap back from my day dream I laugh at the realization that I am a true CALIFORNIA girl to the bone....like I really don't think my skin can stand a winter full of snow, but then again I've been known to surprise myself in the strangest of situations. In a perfect world I would be bi-coastal....Maybe after I make my first million, okay, okay when I make my second million I'll buy a home in NYC. Here are a few iphone snap shots from the past few days here in the city - from aimless wandering, to work, and chilling in Central Park with some friends its been a fabulous week.
P.S. What do you know about 91,000 sq ft? Just ask me, after the last 2 days, I'm an expert.

Wednesday, June 16

..::Please Take that OFF::..



One of the many joys of my job is the fact that I'm lucky enough to be in a different place almost every week and with that comes one of my favorite pastimes.....PEOPLE WATCHING. I know that many people claim people watching to be something they "like" to do to pass the time when they are waiting in line at let's just say.......the DMV. I, however, as long as I can remember have enjoyed watching people. My grandma used to work as the Manager at an old folks home and after school she would pick me up and let me run rampant through the entire property until it was time for dance class. My favorite thing to do would be to run to the kitchen, find my favorite cook, ask for a fresh baked cookie and then sit and watch the old people in the activity hall and make up stories about their lives. The funny thing is though, when you're a kid, its just called STARING and I was reprimanded on a daily basis for my "staring habit." The older I got, the more I realized that I was watching what people were wearing instead of watching what they were doing. Inside my own head I would note the things I liked, the things I wanted to buy, and made special note to always look twice in the mirror before leaving the house - once from the front and once from the back. Now you might be wondering what I'm getting at here....well I'm in NYC and today I spent a good chunk of my day wandering around the city. Although I'll admit to having bad thoughts churn through my brain at seeing some ill fitting outfits, the question became less about "What was she thinking?" and more like "Why does she think that is a good trend for her body type." I'm not claiming to be an expert in fashion, I do, however, follow one simple rule that I wish I could've shouted from the Empire State Building today. "JUST BECAUSE ITS TRENDY, DOES NOT MEAN ITS MEANT FOR YOUR BODY. WEAR WHAT WORKS FOR YOU, DON'T LET THE TRENDS WEAR YOU." For example, unlike the models in the pictures who can effortlessly wear lingerie as outer wear, I know that because I'm not small chested, such a look is more likely to make me look like I'm working the corner of Hollywood and Vine and not working the runway, thus you will not find me doing so. Similarly, I'm astounded by the amount of girls I saw wearing high waisted shorts today when they DO NOT have the structure to do so - and I'm not trying to be mean, but really its just not flattering to anyone to wear something that highlights their larger midsection when it should be downplayed. Am I right? After today I'm feeling like I'm kinda a bitch in my own head....I just don't get it, ya know? Do they want to look bad just to be trendy? In my opinion you fail on both accounts, not only are you wearing something that doesn't play up your best assets, but now the trend looks completely wrong as well. Someone please tell me what's going on in their heads!!!

PC: Elle.com

Tuesday, June 15

..::Zip Code Insanity::..





I know its a rare moment that I am at a loss of things to say, but this particular story is difficult to put into words, however it does have a LOT to do with why I've been M.I.A. for the past 2 weeks and therefore I can't dismiss it completely. Without telling the whole saga, I'll just say this: I had to move unexpectedly from my brand new apartment due to severe concerns of my safety. Phew okay that wasn't so bad. So in a pinch, with a week to find a new place to live, I resorted to my trusty craigslist and what did I find? Well, NOTHING, which was VERY unfortunate for the first two days of my search. BUT then on the third day an apartment popped up and it was almost too good to be true....seriously though I thought it had to be a scam. To my surprise however, it wasn't a scam and within an hour of seeing the place, I had filled out the application and was approved to move in. So by now I'm sure you can see where I'm headed with the pictures....let's just say I now live in the most popular zip code in Los Angeles, which by the way is amazing. I'm pretty sure I live around the corner from the original Casa Walsh - okay maybe not, but a girl can dream right? I'm looking forward to shaking up the neighborhood. To make things more interesting, my sister went into labor early Saturday morning, making my move the fastest move known to man. Literally I'm talking 2.5 hours to pack the truck, drive to the new place and unload it. Then I was off in a flash to make it to the hospital just in the nick of time to be there for the birth of my nephew who is just about the cutest lil NUGGET EVER! Yes I know I'm biased, but really he is soooo adorable! Then it was off to NYC this morning where I am currently sitting in the bar of my hotel watching, what I hope to be the LAKERS dominating in game 6. Obviously saying that things have been hectic for me would be an understatement. I'm looking forward to spending the next 2 weeks here in NYC and getting my life back to its normal orderly chaotic ways.

Wednesday, June 2

..::Where Did You Get That Wednesday::..




I had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend that included many fun events, but the highlight was my Aunt's African themed wedding reception. My sister and I were festively dressed in last minute ethnic inspired frocks from MACYS. We were shocked to find such amazing frocks at our hometown Macys, since we haven't had any luck there in years (SERIOUSLY the worst Macys in CA). Everyone who asked was also quite surprised to hear where we found our dresses. Sometimes it pays when you're not "really looking" for anything, but find exactly what you didn't know you needed!

..::Summer Break::..


Taking a mini break - real life has been throwing some interesting curve balls as of late. I'll be back next week. I can hardly believe its already JUNE!

PC: gofashionlane.blogspot.com