Wednesday, February 13

..::To Do Today::..

My to-do list is a mile and a half long. Le sigh. 
I need a month long vacay just to do all the things 
I want to do. How do people "do it all?" I guess
I'll never really know... but I do know that I
can accomplish the above everyday and that's a 
feat in itself! Cheers!

PC: google images

Monday, February 11

..::Full Blown Domesticated Lady::..

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There are many milestones in life that make you
feel as if you've finally graduated into adulthood. 
For some that can be marriage, babies, or mortgages. 
The following statement just about sums up my moment, 
"This weekend we purchased a Kenmore washer and dryer at Sears. 
We are like real adults over here now. I HAVE MY
OWN LAUNDRY ROOM!?!" I feel exactly like the
1950's housewife in the above ad, minus the hat. 
Only real adults shop at Sears and buy appliances.
Domestic Goddess at your service....
