Thursday, January 28

..::What's in a Name?

If you could change your name right now to anything you wished, would you?
How would you choose a name?


Although I do love the story from which my name was chosen, I've often wished that my name was different due to the fact that it was a very popular name in the 80's. This resulted in me growing up and having several friends/frenemies with the same name as myself, which I am sure you can imagine is very frustrating when you are trying to carve out your own identity during adolescence. There is only one thing that results from being constantly surrounded by people who share your name: THE NICKNAME. Here's the tricky thing about nicknames - you NEVER have just one. Your family has one for you, your best friend(s) have one for you, your boyfriend has one for you, your high school friends, your college friends, your work friends....the list could go on forever. And then one day you wake up and realize that NO ONE calls you by your real name....

Okay so back to why I'm fascinated with names lately - how do you pick a name for something/someone? Currently this has been a theme in my life for two reasons. For starters my Seastar (my nickname for my sister) is having a baby (mini tangent - I'm SOOO EXCITED) and secondly if everything goes my way I'm hoping to launch a lil project this summer and I'm going to need a name - a business name. And scratch that it's not a lil project - it's MY LIFE. MY DREAM. HOW THE F-WORD DO YOU PUT A NAME ON YOUR DREAM?!?

I've been struggling with this for quite some time. In business, identity is everything. Being a graphic designer, among other things, I know how important a name and a strong logo are when it comes to your brand. So naturally I know that whatever I pick must be a strong representation of not only myself but also my designs. I'm going to have to live with this decision for the rest of my life (yes, the pressure is on.) And this is where we come full circle....maybe I just slap my name on it. After all I was named after Ralph Lauren so maybe its only fitting that my career if fashion continues down the same path...What do you think?
xx Lolita


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