Tuesday, April 24

..::Crazy Days::..


Wow, I haven't blogged in so long that Blogger has changed its posting
page design. Hmm that's bad news bears. But in other (amazing) news there is a
reason I've been off the radar - I've been promoted at work! 
So amidst the transition things are crazier than usual, but 
someday they will be semi normal. As normal as life can be when you 
work in fast fashion. Now time to fill my head with a little mindless TV 
while I pack for my trip to Las Vegas. 

PC: Pinterest.com


  1. congrats on the promotion! will this entail a bit less travel to spend more time with your manfriend? p.s. when's the engagement? :) congrats again!

  2. Haha who knows if I will travel more or less now - with F21 its always a surprise!! The manfriend and I are doing quite well - totally excited for our future!
    Thanks for all your kind words, Blair - I think you're my only follower!! <3


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