Tuesday, July 27

..::Stop Looking at me Swan::..


This morning I woke up far too early after getting off work at 2am. In the un-caffinated haze that was my vision at 7am, I reached into my bag and grabbed my two tiny bottles of shampoo and conditioner. I jumped in the scalding hot shower and proceeded to wash my hair, but to my surprise the glob of shampoo that I had just slathered my head with, was not lathering up the way it should. Naturally, being as tired as I was, I figured I just didn't use enough the first time. I poured another glob into my hand and attempted to lather up again. STILL NO LUCK. It was at this point that I remembered I had also tossed an almost identical bottle of body wash into my bag before leaving for the airport yesterday. Sure enough through my burning tired eyes, I now saw that the bottle was body wash and not shampoo. I know some of you might be thinking, "So what? Soap is soap." But let me tell you....IT IS NOT the same. Just like cheap hotel shampoo is NOT the same as the stuff you buy at the drugstore, which is why I travel with my own in the first place. And no, I'm not one of those girls that spends a small fortune on shampoo, literally mine costs maybe $6. I figured I should compensate with extra conditioner i.e. half the bottle and was glad I did. My hair was exceptionally soft today. I guess Billy Madison was on to something when he said, "Conditioner is better. I leave the hair silky and smooth." There are some things in life that are worth spending less on and there are others that are not. FACT.
What do you spend more/less on?

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