One of the many joys of my job is the fact that I'm lucky enough to be in a different place almost every week and with that comes one of my favorite pastimes.....PEOPLE WATCHING. I know that many people claim people watching to be something they "like" to do to pass the time when they are waiting in line at let's just say.......the DMV. I, however, as long as I can remember have enjoyed watching people. My grandma used to work as the Manager at an old folks home and after school she would pick me up and let me run rampant through the entire property until it was time for dance class. My favorite thing to do would be to run to the kitchen, find my favorite cook, ask for a fresh baked cookie and then sit and watch the old people in the activity hall and make up stories about their lives. The funny thing is though, when you're a kid, its just called STARING and I was reprimanded on a daily basis for my "staring habit." The older I got, the more I realized that I was watching what people were wearing instead of watching what they were doing. Inside my own head I would note the things I liked, the things I wanted to buy, and made special note to always look twice in the mirror before leaving the house - once from the front and once from the back. Now you might be wondering what I'm getting at here....well I'm in NYC and today I spent a good chunk of my day wandering around the city. Although I'll admit to having bad thoughts churn through my brain at seeing some ill fitting outfits, the question became less about "What was she thinking?" and more like "Why does she think that is a good trend for her body type." I'm not claiming to be an expert in fashion, I do, however, follow one simple rule that I wish I could've shouted from the Empire State Building today. "JUST BECAUSE ITS TRENDY, DOES NOT MEAN ITS MEANT FOR YOUR BODY. WEAR WHAT WORKS FOR YOU, DON'T LET THE TRENDS WEAR YOU." For example, unlike the models in the pictures who can effortlessly wear lingerie as outer wear, I know that because I'm not small chested, such a look is more likely to make me look like I'm working the corner of Hollywood and Vine and not working the runway, thus you will not find me doing so. Similarly, I'm astounded by the amount of girls I saw wearing high waisted shorts today when they DO NOT have the structure to do so - and I'm not trying to be mean, but really its just not flattering to anyone to wear something that highlights their larger midsection when it should be downplayed. Am I right? After today I'm feeling like I'm kinda a bitch in my own head....I just don't get it, ya know? Do they want to look bad just to be trendy? In my opinion you fail on both accounts, not only are you wearing something that doesn't play up your best assets, but now the trend looks completely wrong as well. Someone please tell me what's going on in their heads!!!
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