Who said you have to grow up? After all aren't grown ups just complex children who still dare to dream of happy endings? What baffles me is the simple fact that when you are a child you dream of being a grown up. You spend your entire childhood playing games that portray the life of an adult. You play games that fictionalize your future husband/wife and the life that the two of you will have right down to what you will name your children. You play house and dress up and you make up what kind of job you will have, what kind of person you will become and yet one day you wake up to find that you are indeed grown. Does reality stack up to your dreams and if it doesn't or when it doesn't what do you do? When you get a flat tire or you don't pass an important test how do you deal with it? Where were the real life games that teach you how to handle those problems? We pretend to be grown ups, but what these games don't teach us is how to deal with real life, with real problems. The joy of playing pretend is that you don't have to deal with the shitty stuff of life, but the danger in that is the inability to react to problems. At some point the pretend life must end and we are left with the harsh reality that real life is much harder than the imaginary world we grew up fantasizing about. What happens when you wake up one day to find that a childhood of playing dress up doesn't turn you into a world class dancer, but rather turns into your full time job on the Vegas strip?
xx Lolita
PC: ffffound.com
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