Wednesday, January 30

..::Sugar Coated Life::..

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This used to be my favorite space. My favorite time
of day and lately there is just no time at all to pay a visit. This is equal parts good and bad. Its good because my life is so blessed and there is a lot keeping me busy. Bad because I miss it here. This space where I used to spill my guts and share my adventures. I never did this for anyone else, really it was always just for me and truly I need it in my life. I'm packing up our entire apartment and missing my Manfriend who is 3,000 miles away in NYC. Pity party for one - wine and cupcakes please! 

Monday, January 28

..::Shine Bright....Like Glitter::..

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I strive to be this person in my everyday life.
Glitter, it's truly amazing in every way. 
Happy Monday Sparkly people and a special
thanks to my friend EC, one of the most sparkliest
I know, for sharing this with me!

Tuesday, January 8

..::The Beginning::..


2013. Here goes nothing....