Monday, December 31

..::Bells Will be Ringing::..


December sure did fly by! Feeling rested and
relaxed as we head into the last day of 2012. 
A week in a snowy Tahoe cabin will do that
to a girl and it came just in time. I feel prepared
to jump straight into 2013 and hit the ground
running where it will lead me is not certain, but
one thing is for sure, it will be fabulous. 
Looking forward to a wonderful night dressed
up with my manfriend by my side, sipping champagne! Cheers!

Thursday, November 29

..::Pink Perfection::..


Everyone deserves to have pink pancakes
at least once in their life right? These look
delish and after a long week I'm looking forward
to a nice relaxing weekend with some yummy
extended brunch time with my love. Time
to settle into this wonderful holiday season. 

Wednesday, November 21

..::The Ultimate Happy Pill::..


There are fewer things in life that make me
happier than things that add sparkle to my day.
Today in particular, on the day I was born, I was
extremely excited when I came across this photo
of glitter pills. For those days when you just
need a little happiness boost, open the
pill and throw the glitter in the air. Love it.

Saturday, November 17


Love me a rainy Saturday morning! I'm
snuggled up on the couch drinking coffee and
thinking about the holiday season that is 
upon us! I was shopping at Anthro the other
day and was so excited to see all their ornaments
on display. These are a few I have my eye on 
to add to my collection. Since we will be celebrating
Christmas in Tahoe this year, I think we 
might just need to get our tree extra early. You 
know - so I can really enjoy every minute of it!! 

Friday, November 16

..::Fancy That::..


Wow. What a week. So happy to have a 
weekend full of fun, family, and friends ahead. 
Lolopalooza 2012 celebration tomorrow night! So
ready to let my hair down and not think for a minute.
Its a party dress and treats galore kinda weekend.

Thursday, November 8

..::Real Estate Crazy::..


I'm pretty sure something weirdly chemical happens in a woman's body around 27-30 years of age. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I'm sure there is some
scientific fact out there about the sudden urge to move on with your life in ways you never pondered before. For example, I suddenly want to own a home. Why?
I can't afford to buy a home (at least not out right) and I especially don't need a home for myself and the manfriend. Perhaps my collection of beautiful things
(aka pretty clutter) need more space? Or perhaps its just my never ceasing urge to redecorate or have a craft room all to myself? I think the DayQuil I've been
 on all week has finally gotten the best of me. Welcome to my journey of getting older.

Wednesday, November 7

..::On The Hunt::..


I've lived in my current residence for a year & a half,
and officially living with the manfriend for a year.
This can only mean one thing....its getting close to 
moving time. I'm not one to sit still for long. I see a 
new abode on the horizon for the new year and
although that may feel like a lifetime away, its really 
just around the corner and these things take time. Too
much time if you ask me, but here's to a new adventure.

Tuesday, November 6

..::Let's Fly Away::..

I herby pledge not to talk about the election in
this post. Instead lets focus on something we haven't
been obsessing over for the last year, like 
me going on a vacation. I think its time I planned a
real holiday. Somewhere far far away. Suggestions?
Its time for this work crazed lady to take a break, 
before I break. Tittering on the edge....

Monday, November 5

..::Peter Pan Syndrome::..


Today as I was driving home from work, something happened. 
Call me crazy, but I had a thought about something really grown up and I realized,
that in that moment, I was becoming older. 
When I was a kid my Mom used to tell me that 
I needed to sleep the whole night so that I would grow
taller. I asked her if I could feel myself growing taller
and she giggled and said no that I wouldn't feel a 
thing (and clearly I didn't grow to be a really tall person so she was right, 
I would never have "growing pains" like really tall people). 
Suddenly today, in the midst of another 
Lolopalooza I felt it. I felt myself growing up. And to be honest, 
it wasn't the growing up that scared me. It was the fact that I liked it - GASP!
I'm telling ya, I would've never believed it if it hadn't just happened.
I thought I would forever suffer from the Peter Pan
Syndrome, but things are changing and growing up is FUN!
Besides, I've realized you're never too old for bows and
I much prefer my bank account today over the one I
had 10 years ago. 

Thursday, November 1

..::Little Black Magic::..


Not only is today the first day of Lolopalooza, 
but it also just happens to be new iPhone 5 day!
Yippeeee! No more broken buttons on the iPhone 4.
I can already tell that Lolopalooza is going to 
be amazing this year. Just loving it already! P.S. look out 
for my new fav phrase thanks to EC and the gals over at, 
"Pardon me, I'm SPARKLY!" I'm OBSESSED!!

Wednesday, October 31

..::Bath Time::..


Yes. This is totally happening. Get into it. 

PC: Lolita

Monday, October 29

..::Not So Super Sandy::..


I hope everyone was able to put aside their
usual Monday blues and be thankful for something. 
Life is fragile and you never know what's going to
happen next. I pray for those in the face of
Super Storm Sandy. Count your blessings people.
Tell someone you love them and if you're feeling
extra thankful for all you have like I am, donate here. 

Friday, October 26

..::Wine Me::..


This week was a doosie and that's putting it mildly. 
I couldn't be happier to be home enjoying a glass of vino and sitting down. 
Yeah it was one of those weeks - straight running all
 day everyday, but secretly I like it like that. 
Can't wait to enjoy a wonderful weekend with my love. 

Wednesday, October 24

..::Sleep Crafting::..


Sleep. Deprived. Crafting. Anyway.
More coming soon. 

PC: Lolita 

Sunday, October 21

..::Slow Start::..


Sunday mornings are quite possibly the best. 
I always seem to wake up early, even though
I've got no where to go. I prefer that to sleeping
in. I wake up slow, drink coffee and ponder the 
possibilities of the day ahead. Its so loud in 
my head most days, its nice to be quite.

Tuesday, October 16

..::Little Pretties::..



When life gets real, like right now as I watch the Presidential Debates, 
I just want to think about making things pretty. 
I'm all about pumpkins right now. Can't wait to go
pumpkin hunting this weekend with my love. Is it the weekend yet?! 

Sunday, October 14

..::Epic Beats::..


Since we found out, that anything can happen,
anything can happen, anything can happen, 
anything can happen, anything can happen. 
Dear Ellie Goulding, I'm kind of obsessed with
your beats. This song came on as I was looking
at this wonderfully inspiring quote from Julia Childs. 
Its going to be a happy/productive Sunday. 


Monday, October 8

..::Life is Dope::..


Things happen in life that you can't explain, but I like 
to think that things, both good and bad, happen in 3's.
In that case, I'm crossing off September as a month of
not so great things. So incredibly happy its October and looking
forward to brighter days ahead. Feeling blessed for my life
and happy to be surrounded by so many wonderful people.
Shit happens, but you wake up, you dust yourself off, buy
a new dress at Zara, seek some therapy and off you go. 
Life is DOPE like that. True story. 


Wednesday, September 12

..::Just Living::..


Oh HELLO there blog-gy blog! Been a lil bit, huh?! 
Let's see since I last opened this computer (true story
I've become anit-laptop these last few weeks) I've been 
back to Foggy London Town, attended a college bestie's wedding, 
was bed ridden with a case of acute bronchitis, lost a dear
friend from high school all too soon to the heavens,
met Mark Paul Gosselaar aka Zack Morris and worked a few days
in between - okay a lot of days, let's be honest. 
AND NOW?! Off to Shanghai in T-Minus 8 days. 
Its been happy and sad, lately. But I'm taking a page from
my friend P-Rat's book - just trying to love life - every minute.

Friday, August 10



Wine. Laundry. Friday Night. Who am I?!
Next I'll be pouring sprinkles in my tea. 
Don't grow up, don't do it. 

Friday, August 3

..::Get Ready, Cuz Here I Come::..


The world works in mysterious ways. I feel as if I've just returned from London, heck my suitcase is still laying open on the floor of my bedroom half unpacked. Eight days and I'm London bound...again. I heart adventures across the globe. Now if only I could take a real vacation and go somewhere far far away. 


Thursday, August 2

..::Silly Stripes::..


All day long I see things and I think to myself, "I could do that. I could make that." If only I had a million days a week to do all the things I want to do. How is a girl supposed to take over the world when she can't even unpack her suitcase from a trip two weeks ago? Oh well. It all eventually happens. I'd like to make a dress like this someday. Only one problem, someday is not a day of the week on my calendar.....

Tuesday, July 31

..::Pattern Play Perfection::..


Its only Tuesday, but I feel like it should be at least Thursday. That's how busy the last two days have been. Not sure where the time goes, but its fast and that's certain. To make the days fly even faster I've been filling my nights with fun projects like making these contrasting pattern zip bags. Nothing makes me happier than a well organized handbag, and these little bags are the perfect solution to keeping all those little bits from gathering at the bottom of my bag. A fashionable alternative to a ziplock if you will. 

PC: Lolita