I always find it funny that when you are confined to your bed you always want to get out, yet when you have to get out you always wish you could stay snuggled up all day. This is why I hate being sick. I'm not a sedentary person. My mind is always going and being sick is no exception, well maybe I'm slightly slower when I'm ill, but I'm still thinking of a million things I'd like to do. I've read all my October fashion subscriptions, joined netflix and watched about 5 movies on the instant view feature, painted my nails, and started reading a new book. I'm beyond restless, but alas still sick and miserable. On a side note, can I just say that the instant view on Netflix is possibly one of the most amazing things EVER. I mean not only do I get a DVD in the mail but I can watch unlimited movies on my computer as well. I heart technology. Speaking of technology, I found these lovely photos whilst wandering the web this morning and have been quite inspired by the colors in all of them. At least I can say that this day hasn't been total wash of grey.

PC: tumbler.com & ffffound.com