Thursday, September 23

..::Pin Me Up::..


I'm the type of person who is ALWAYS COLLECTING IDEAS. Okay who am I kidding, I'm also usually collecting clothing, shoes, and handbags as well, but that's besides the point. I'm constantly scanning my surroundings in my day to day life looking for anything that might inspire me. On average I'd say I come up with a new project for myself at least 3 times a day. I'll even admit that I'm one of those dorky people who carries around a pocket sized notebook in my purse to jot down or sketch my ideas. However, here's the thing about my great appears that I also have something called a LIFE. While I would LOVE nothing more than to be granted free time to allow my ideas to come to fruition, I know that the likely hood of it happening is slim to none. Mostly due to the fact that I don't plan on marrying a TRILLIONAIRE anytime soon. But not all my ideas are lost on my sketch books. No friends, sometimes they actually see the light of day....and others the trash can, but I don't like to think about those great ideas gone bad as much as I like to focus on the fabulousness that comes from the great ones. Pictured above is the completion of one on my great ideas. When I saw this amazing pair of dangling clock earrings that I had no interest in putting in my ears, I said to myself, "Those would make an amazing pin or something." Ta-fucking-da! Who wants one?

Wednesday, September 22

..::Le Mansion Part 2::..


So my first attempt at actually using my new kitchen for something other than mixing cocktails didn't fare so well. Apparently my gas isn't on, which is weird because I swear I had it turned on, but maybe I've just lost my mind. Or maybe I've been drinking too many of my meals... My sink is currently filled with dirty wine glasses....I hate doing dishes, but I love hand washing rather than using a dishwasher. Which reminds me, I've been meaning to call the gas company since last week, but I found out today that I'm going to Vegas next week for work, so I guess I'll get my stove looked at after I get back. I scored a set dish towels at Anthropologie the other day on SALE (as pictured) and a new kitchen rug at Cost Plus (not pictured) which btw if you've never been, you're seriously missing out. Cost Plus World Market has been one of my favs forever, but it's gotten sooooo much more AMAZING these last few months. No joke I think I go there about once a week. In fact I was there when I got my flat tire on Saturday, but that's a story for another time...

P.S. Yes, I realize this post is a mish mosh of tangents...that's just me today. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 21

..::Le Mansion Part 1::..


Now that I'm off the road for a bit, I can actually call my apartment "home" instead of a glorified storage unit. To say its been nice to be in one place for the last 2 weeks would be an understatement, but that being said, of course there are things I miss about the jet set life. As I mentioned last week, I finally got to hang things on the walls and finish unpacking those 3 pesky boxes that sat in the corner of my apartment for the better part of the summer. Everything is starting to come together and I've had so much fun doing it. Interior decorating is such a great experience, one that I find to be very relaxing in fact. Future career? I'll add it to the ever growing list of fall back plans...

Monday, September 20








There are two phrases that I constantly say to myself on a daily basis:
1. "You shouldn't do that, its dangerous." and 2. "That was soo MY IDEA!!" I'm pretty sure that I need to start listening to myself more often...if not always. I decided to take on a few craft projects this weekend that I had been telling myself I was going to do for the last 3 months. Now I love a good craft session...and I also love wine. Any mature adult would know that certain activities just DO NOT mix, namely drinking and anything that involves tools or sharp objects of any kind (and driving of course, but I don't do that.) Going against my better judgment, I decided I just couldn't wait any longer to finish one of my projects after I was a few glasses of wine deep on Saturday evening. Another thing to note: I'm impatient which is also not a good mix when using tools or sharp objects of any kind. So now here I am a little drunk, impatient, using an exacto-knife. Well I'm sure you can imagine what happened next....yup I cut myself....TWICE. Whoops, guess I should've listened to myself when I said, "You shouldn't do that, its dangerous." Then I proclaimed via Fbook, "DDAC: Don't Drink and Craft. Band-Aids as a new fashion accessory? I'm starting a trend..."
I also should have ran right to my computer and started designing designer Band-Aids that would make me a millionaire, but alas the darling Cynthia Rowley has beat me to the punch. DAMMIT. Oh well, looks like its time to graduate from Hello Kitty to some CR sequined encrusted First Aid. LOVE IT.

PC: Cynthia Rowley

Friday, September 17

..::Way to KILL IT::..



Well the first official day at the office was a success. It was kind of fun being the "new/old" kid on the block. New place, new space, old friends saying hi everywhere I went. I felt so loved today...aside from the few daggers I could feel in my back as I passed by a few people whom shall remain nameless. Maybe I'll just group the two of them into one category that I'll from now on refer to as the Double D's aka Debbie Downers. I'm not one to let negative people affect me, try as they might. I'll just continue to kill them with kindness, which will irritate them even more and in turn just make themselves more miserable. Seriously, somethings in life just aren't that serious....I wish they could understand that. Well that or just take a Xanax already, geeezzzzzzzz. Regardless, I will definitely be celebrating this weekend. Beverly Hills, Balloons, and BUBBLY. Here's to taking over the world one small step at a time.


Thursday, September 16

..::Late Night Style Sessions::..





Most nights I wonder if having an over active imagination is something that all artists suffer from. Tonight I know its not just my creative ideas ticking away, but also the fact that I've stayed up working the last two nights till 4am and there is absolutely no way, even though I'm utterly exhausted that I'm going to fall asleep right now like I should. Le sigh. So instead I'm sitting on the floor in front of my closet trying to pick out the perfect ensemble to wear on my first day at the office in my new position. Since I don't know what the day will entail, its quite tricky considering at any moment I could be covered in paint, spray adhesive, or any other art material. I know, rough life I have right?! I found these images on SRC783 and am feeling inspired by the layers and have thus concocted several options with my wardrobe. Now if only I could catch a few ZZZzzz...

PC: SRC783

Wednesday, September 15

..::Green with ENVY::..


OBSESSED. This photo is all sorts of amazing. The green of the shirt, the coral lipstick and the stack of bangles...PERFECTION. I'm on the hunt for a shirt like this....anyone out there have a lead? On a side note, I've been working nights the last two nights....VAMPIRE SCEDULE. Its been an interesting first week in terms of my new position, but very FUN. My hands are dyed indigo blue at the moment as a result of making a denim dress for a good part of last night that we didn't end up using, but hey that's the life of a visual display artist. Soo happy to return to a normally scheduled program tmrw.


Monday, September 13

..::Inspired Spaces::..










Another sleepless night...I suppose most people don't sleep much the night before starting a new job. However for me, its more than just new job anxiety keeping me up till 3am on Sunday night. I'm feeling very INSPIRED at the moment. This past week was the first FULL WEEK that I've spent in my new apartment since I moved in 3 months ago. Along with catching up with all my friends, I spent a majority of the time deep in home improvement projects complete with my first trip the The Container Store. How I've lived my life without ever stepping foot inside, I have NO idea. If you think me in the craft store is nuts, you should've seen me today 2 coffees deep in the land of storage and decoration!! Second to fashion and design I've always been infatuated with home decor. I'm always collecting images of things I like in hopes that someday I'll be in one place long enough to be able to own an entire house that I can decorate. I love spaces that can be lived in. Growing up I hated when homes had a "nice room." You know the one - the rooms that all your friends said you weren't allowed to go in except for formal Christmas dinner. I always thought it was such a waste of a room. There is nothing like going to someone's home to get a better glimpse into their souls. I love it when a space tells a story about the person who created it. The artifacts of a life well lived can create the best decor. Mementos from travels, antiques from the flea market, a collection of empty bottles that now house some these things might be considered junk, but I think quite the opposite.

Although moving is a ton of work, there is nothing like decorating a new space and after 3 months of being on the road I was finally able to dig in and get somewhere with my little abode that I lovingly refer to as the "MANSION." Let's be honest, my entire apartment is definitely smaller than the foyer of a real mansion. Regardless of size, I'm pretty obsessed with the way things are going (pics to come later this week.) There's nothing more satisfying to a creative person than seeing your vision turn into a reality. The next most satisfying thing would be getting your brain to shut off so you could actually get some sleep....

PC: & google images

Wednesday, September 8

..::Living the Dream::..


Today was the kind of day where you realize dreams do come true. And no I'm not talking fairy tale, prince charming dreams because I don't believe in those. I mean hard working, well earned dreams. The stuff of reality.


Tuesday, September 7

..::ADD & Addictions::..


I always feel fortunate to be a creative person, however on days like today, when I need to focus and really "create" something I find myself bursting with creativeness yet getting nowhere. Le sigh. Something exciting is happening and that's really all I can say at the moment... that and I played hooky from work today. I really needed a vacation from my vacation, you know how that goes. I had such a great time in Vancouver, which as soon as I get through tmrw I'll be able to share with you all the crafty good times that go into helping your fellow design friend create her dream wedding. Today is the perfect hazy day to spend holed up in my apt drinking coffee and designing my brain out...I'm even wearing my glasses. Its that serious. Above is a little poster I made while sitting in the airport last week in Texas. Just about sums up my addictions in addition to coffee and clothing. Only fitting that I posted it today as both are distracting me from accomplishing anything of importance at the moment. What else is new?

Wednesday, September 1

..::New Beginnings::..


I can't think of a better way to start off a new month than going on HOLIDAY, which is precisely what I'm doing today! I know summer is technically over, but I'm not big on technicalities, especially since I've just now gotten a few tan lines. Since I write my own rules, I've decided that 2010 will be the year of endless summer. I can hardly fathom that I'm getting on a plane tonight and its not for work! Over the last year, I've become increasingly faster at packing my suitcase since I know exactly what I need for work, but now that I'm traveling for pleasure I'm at a loss. Being the visual oriented person I am, I find its always a little easier if I plan ahead and lay out everything I want to pack so I can see if I'm missing any essential items. Since this little holiday is centered around a wedding for two of my very dear friends, I seem to have over packed just a tad....okay maybe more than a tad, but hey I have NO idea what the next 6 days hold so naturally I've planned for any scenario that may arise. And off I go...