Today I was sitting pool side with my "Buddy" Jaclyn who is planning her wedding (that I am also a bridesmaid in, YAY!) and as I was flipping through one of her bridal magazines I came across this cake - THE CAKE - MY CAKE!!! As if my obsession with BOWS wasn't bad enough of course I had to find this - I need a bow cake, not necessarily for my wedding cake, but just in general - maybe a PINK BOW cake - OMG how AB FAB would that be for my birthday this year?!?!? Although I pride myself in my baking skills, I'm not sure I could sit for hours making all those bows out of fondant - perhaps that's a project I can take on with the rest of my hiatus from the working world. I heart being temporarily unemployed, wishing it could last forever.....oh the things I would design with that time....
xx Lolita